
  1. Decked Out (Identity System) 
  2. I Was Born, I Moved, I Commute (Editorial Design & Installation) 
  3. 2H Gallery (Identity System)
  4. Andy Warhol (Web Development & Design) 
  5. Connecting to Chinatown (Editorial Design)
  6. 505  (Editorial Design) 


©2025 Hana Noory.

Andy Warhol (Web Development & Design)

Year: 2023
Instructor: Will Ruby

This is an exhibition website, fully coded and designed, based off the Andy Warhol exhibit that was shown in the Whitney Museum: From A to B to Back Again. This site focuses on the celebrity portraits Warhol did and the idea of them being ‘transformative art’, as the paintings started from a polaroid photograph of the subject and could be duplicated—carried on through the animations and overall content.

Throughout this course, I explored through different projects the topic of AI and its increasing role in society. For this final project, I approached the idea of AI’s role in art specifically through the lens of an artist who’s work can be deemed “transformative” like AI is: Andy Warhol.

Yes, by nature, his work is transformative. A lot of it, especially the portraits, rely on existing imagery. 

However, there is a difference between this and perhaps generative AI art being transformative: Warhol did not create to create. 

He was embedding a philosophy that challenged the art industry and popular culture. The portraits and the polaroids can both be reproduced in an unlimited amount of times, and so Warhol’s art, similar to AI art, was not fully “original”, but in his case, that was the whole point. He questioned what it means to even be original. 

I began the process with researching the exhibit held at the Whitney, and my attention was caught by the celebrity portraits and how they relate to the course topic of transformative art. The portraits go from polaroid, to silkscreen, to paint.

I focused on four portraits: Jamie Wyeth, Debbie Harry, Farah Diba Pahlavi, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

I first started in Figma, as I was able to see the code behind the design that allowed to build a framework for when I fully coded the website.

I built the site with HTML/CSS and Javascript.

Exhibition Website